Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cali J needs to learn how to use a spoon

So now he is talking about eating Milo out of the middle of his hand. Sometimes we are embarrassed to admit we even know him. We love the taste of Milo, in fact we love eating dry Milo too, but, we also know that spoons have been invented and they actually work, so we use them!

Mild props to the Cali-J for losing some weight; fat ass! Now let us get down to it, so what if you have lost 4 pounds in the last week? You need to lose 20 more so get back to us when you have lost those 20 so we can tell you how much more to lose after that.

We know fat is a state of mind and your state is Plump!


swiffer sheet V said...

Once again, you sound like a girl. Love it. Very enduring quality to have.

Anonymous said...

What is milo?

Anonymous said...

Milo is what Ovaltine wishes it could be!

SSV (if that is your real name) how on earth do we sound like girls?