Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We are done shaving for a bit. Screw the whole putting a razor to our face crap, we are going straight Grizzly Adams up in this piece. The Cali-j is always trying to look so damn presentable. Well, we were looking at old pics of us and we miss the beard. We understand that this might mean a decline in the amount of young tail we can achieve but it will definitely aid with hunting the cougars. Anyone who has ever studied the animals knows that cougars like to crawl through the brush to stalk their prey .

The bar scene is like the Serengeti (we know Cougars do not live in the Serengeti - some wise ass is always trying to correct us...just work with the story), sometimes you see your prey and you have to be quick, cunning and adapted to their lifestyle. We have chosen to go with the big game hunter look - no more shaving (at least on the face_


Pierre said...

"at least on the face"?

Cali J said...

We shave our head!

Abeni said...

DOn't knock old tail til you've tried it:)