Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year New blog, glad tidings for all!

Yeah Yeah so it is a New Year, and the Cali J is giving out love to all...BUT when is he going to show love to us and officially pronounce us as a blog to read? When is he going to let the world know we exist?

We know Crankyputz, abeni and the EF like us (though we wonder why we ca'an get a mention pon dem blog rolls) and we know Cali J only pretends to be ashamed of us!

We want to go public, we deserve to be public and this year we are going to go public. This means we will be blogging more, we will be throwing an irreverent spin on everything and we will continue to be a thorn in the Cali J's side!

By the way, props to you son for getting closer than we expected, now we just expect the Cali J to finally step up to the plate and hit that...momma needs grand pickney!


Abeni said...

very interested in the grandpickney bit:)

Crankyputz said...

Um we thoughts you were on the down lo...

Please await a Link...a snazzy link at that...you attention whores!!! :)